Craig is in Biloxi, Mississippi tonight for a standup show at the Beau Rivage Theater. “Beau Rivage” is French for “beautiful shore” and having been there, I can vouch that it’s true.

Craig appeared by phone on WTKS-FM in Orlando earlier today. For those who missed the live broadcast, the station posts podcasts of its shows. The interview was during the 1st hour of the show, with links at the bottom of their page here.

Today’s tweet from the Hot Mess: I’m tweeting from a Jacuzzi bathtub in Mississippi. I feel daring decadent & naughty. Take that Caligula

While Criag finishes boiling, the fully-baked-to-a-golden-brown George Hamilton appears on the show tonight, along with astronaut Mike Massimino and according to RSA member sariesRSA: Tonight’s episode of LLS is the one I went to the taping of two weeks ago. Heads up, Rebbecca makes an appearance. Beware the Ides of March Well said, sariesRSA. Brutus could be hiding around the next corner. Incidentally, Brutus is the name I used to dance under.

Finally, all’s well that ends well. What else can you say about an ending like this?

Video Courtesy: Malinky2Stoatir

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