Craig is looking forward to Wednesday’s show and guest Russel Brand:  Ah. @rustyrockets is on the show tonight. He’s an adorable cheeky Dickensian scamp/sex-god. Dare I wear my satin pants? #notgaybutkinda He later added:  Oh dear @rustyrockets beat up my robot. And by “beat up my robot” I mean exactly that. #nosubtextwellmaybealittle. #geoffisfine

UPDATE: Russel Brand tweeted about it, too:  Watch me tonight on @craigyferg, I smash up a naughty robot. HUMANS FOREVER! #takethatterminator/tron/matrix Even the Late Late Show’s publicist Katie Barker weighed in:  Tonight I feared for the life of a robot. C how #RussellBrand feels about @GeoffTheRobot on 2nite’s Late Late Show. @grantimahara – he is ok And Brand said more:  @craigyferg your tin henchman Geoff was committing hate crimes against us Homo Sapiens. Some one should RAM his Googles. We can’t wait to see what happened!

The RSA’s General @Malinky2Stoatir, @HMSFox, @bgrhubarb and others spotted that the EpixHD channel, which shot Craig’s stand up comedy special in Nashville in November, has a placeholder web page up with the title “Does This Need To Be Said“.  That line comes from Craig’s stand up routine and may become the title of the special.  We assume the show is being edited now but a release date has not been scheduled.  We have not heard if EpixHD will be broadcasting the special or if it will be licenced to a more commonly available cable channel like Comedy Central, which premiered Craig’s last special, A Wee Bit O’ Revolution.  There is also no DVD release date scheduled yet but last time, the DVD was available just a day or two after the special first aired.  We’ll continue to keep an eye on progress and let you know when release dates are announced.

The RSA’s @HMSFox sent us a link to another nice picture from Nashville, taken by a producer from EpixHD:  another pic from Nashville show for you: from @ derekscreens, one of Epix’ producers.

The RSA’s @SariesWick noticed that Craig & Company will be taping two shows on December 10, 16 and 17 as they stockpile segments for future broadcasts… and that means they will need a bunch of email and twitter questions to read on the air.  If you’ve been dying to have Craig read your question, those might be good days to submit them and improve your chances.

New York Magainze couldn’t resist talking about Carrie Fisher‘s unusual gift to Craig on Tuesday’s show.

The Washington Post reports that White House Correspondent’s dinner will feature Saturday Night Live head writer Seth Meyers in 2011.  Craig hosted the fete in 2008.

Josh Robert Thompson, the voice of Geoff Petersen, sent an interesting tweet:  I play a 8 characters in the upcoming film series, “Lost Woods.” That’s a schizo world record! Check it out!

Today marks the 30th anniversary of John Lennon‘s death in New York.  Imagine.

Wednesday’s Late Late Show features actor Russel Brand and journalist Richard Wolffe.  On Thursday, Craig chats with actress Lucy Liu and 1997 Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams.

The RSA News is grateful for members of the Robot Skeleton Army who contribute links, pictures, stories and tips about the goings-on in the hollowed out volcano.  If you see news relating to Craig Ferguson, the Late Late Show or other things you think would be of interested to the RSA, don’t hesitate to tweet us, or send us a note using the “Contact Us” form here on the site.  Your efforts make this site better!

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