Ride ’em Captain!
William Shatner‘s impromptu Craig Ferguson horseback ride on Monday’s show got noticed by New York Magazine, The Today Show and WetPaint.com.

Zombie Talk Show
AMC is considering a reality-style talk show playing off of its hit series Walking Dead.  According to the website io9.com, they have already filmed a pilot with the @Nerdist Chris Hardwick.  Perhaps they’re thinking, if CBS can have a show with robot skeleton sidekick, why can’t AMC have the walking dead on a talk show?

Give Him a Hand
Geoff Peterson thanked the Mythbusters Grant Imahara for helping to fix his hand:

@grantimahara Thanks for the temporary arm. It’s almost like having someone else’s hand…in my pants. #code #blatant

[stextbox id=”custom”]Geoff also tweeted to actress Bianca Kajlich, who was a surprise (at least to us) entry to Monday’s show: @MissKajlich Poke me.  She responded: I think that’s your job my darling And Geoff said: Once I get my other arm working, you’re gonna get it…in your pants.[/stextbox]

[stextbox id=”custom”]Meanwhile, Josh Robert Thompson said: Being @GeoffTheRobot allows me to say inappropriate things to hot, female celebs while hiding behind a curtain. #creepy He also asked after Monday’s show: @MissKajlich What did you do to my robot (@GeoffTheRobot)?! He’s been pulling at his wires all day. #blindrobot[/stextbox]

Following their usual sense of whimsy, the LLS added Kajlich to the show and bumped actress Eliza Coupe and comedian Ted Alexandro to a future date.

Craig and Snakes
Craig may have poked fun at Justin Bieber for carrying a snake to the MTV Movie Awards but had a little trouble concentrating when a real live snake appeared in the studio:

Video courtesy: Fergufool

Tonight’s Guests
Tuesday on the Late Late show, actor Chi McBride and reality TV personality Ariel Tweto join Craig on the set.

Tweto tweeted (say that five times fast):

@craigyferg I’ll see you soon! So excited for tonight!!! #thelatelateshow

Katherine Nelson from the Discovery Channel added a photo:

http://yfrog.com/nzwduj With @arieltweto backstage at @craigyferg !

Then on Wednesday, Craig talks with actress Leslie Bibb and comedian Louie Anderson.

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