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Craig seemed on Tuesday to be putting the French talk show host Arthur behind him.  However the people at Folkmanis, the company that makes the puppets for the Late Late Show, are speaking up:  Regarding the French @CraigyFerg copycat, they actually don’t have permission to use our puppets! We were unaware. // We puppets feel used in this situation, controlled against our will. (Um, like puppets.) They also told one of the volcano’s resident lawyers @HMSFox:  Yes – because our puppets are copyrighted (by us) you need to license the usage to depict them in anything “for profit.” According to some of the articles we’ve seen and Arthur’s Wikipedia entry, he has hosted many radio and television shows over the years, none of which have lasted very long.  It remains to be seen if CBS or Worldwide Pants will actually take any legal action or let it pass. An article Wednesday in an alternative newspaper in Colorado Springs quotes a member of punk rock band who calls Craig some unfortunate names.  Before everyone in the volcano gets up in arms, you should know:  Although the article is new, this is an old story.  It happened in October of 2008 when the network enforced the FCC’s equal time rule, telling a band member he could not to wear a Barack Obama t-shirt on the show.  Craig himself talked about it on the show and there were articles about it at the time here, here and here.  Our view: It’s an ignorant comment but it was over two years ago and the paper should have thought twice before printing it.  Because some RSA folks have been asking about it and we try to keep you up to date with all things Craig-related, we’ll link to the article here so you can read it for yourself but in our opinion, to do anything further would only bring attention to people who don’t deserve it.  Besides, it’s a punk rocker expressing disdain for authority.  If anyone knows about that stereotype, it would be Craig. ‘Nuff said. Geoff Petersen is getting ready for Thanksgiving on Twitter:  Two words: Wish bone. To which his creator, the Mythbusters’ Grant Imahara, joked:  Geoff, that’s NOT your wish bone! You don’t have a wish bone… Several roboskellies then joined in saying something about Geoff’s wish bone being stuck at customs… you get the idea.  Geoff replied to Grant:  That explains a lot! BTW this Thanksgiving thankful you gave me life. Wish bone or not. Will we soon see Secretariat‘s race at Hollywood Park?  When our favorite horse was on the track last Friday, we heard we would see a special segment this week, and Wednesday is the final new episode of the week due to the holiday.  Watch Wednesday and find out! On Wednesday’s Late Late Show, Craig talks with professional wrestler turned actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and cooks with chef Paula Deen.  The re-run fairy arrives for Thanksgiving Day, with the October 25th episode featuring former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and NFL analyst Joe Theismann.  New episodes resume on Monday. If you’re traveling for the holiday, we hope you arrive safe and sound.  If you’re hosting, remember they’re coming to see you, not the turkey.  Happy Thanksgiving to all roboskellies, families and friends… we’re thankful for all of you!

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