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Welcome, roboskellies!  It was just six months ago that Craig Ferguson launched the Robot Skeleton Army by joining Twitter as @CraigyFerg.  Since then, we’ve been keeping you up to date on Craig, the Late Late Show and the Twitter buzz on all things RSA-related.  Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve moved to our new home on the interwebs, For the past few weeks we’ve been building the new page, transferring from blogspot to a new WordPress format.  We’ve tried to keep the look of the page as close to the original as possible to give people a familiar look in a new location.  Please bookmark the new page and help us let people know we’ve made the change.  We’ve tried to transition everything over so older links will connect to the new page and those following our feed will still get it.  We believe the new setup should resolve issues displaying the page on mobile devices as well.  If you notice any problems, please let us know using the comment form on the right sidebar. The RSA’s @Safety_Word spotted our fearless leader on Twitter’s front page the other day. And more people are seeing Craig. He’s up to 286,000 followers and growing. As for us, we had hoped to reach a thousand followers in July. We didn’t quite reach it but went from about 500 followers to more than 760; our largest one-month increase since we started. Thanks to all of you for reading! Shark week begins tonight on the Discovery Channel.  The folks over at TMZ have some great pictures of Craig’s underwater adventure. Early risers, don’t forget!  Craig will be interviewed on the Early Show on CBS Monday morning.  The program runs from 7-9am local time in most cities.  We’re not sure which segment will feature Craig but it will likely be in the second hour.

Paula Poundstone

It’s another week of all-new Late Late Shows this week, beginning on Monday, when the inimitable Eddie Izzard stops by to read emails and Craig interviews the well-tanned actor George Hamilton. On Tuesday, actor Jeffrey Tambor and comedian Drew Thomas are on the show. Then on Wednesday, Big Brother‘s Julie Chen gives us an update on the latest from the house and comedian Paula Poundstone makes us laugh. On Thursday, one of Craig’s favorites, Paris Hilton returns to the show along with author Alex Dryden and comedian Fred MacAulay. And on Friday, Craig welcomes actor Mark Wahlberg and actress Jacinda Barrett.

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