Brave Premiere Draws Glamorous Crowd
Monday night’s world premiere of the Disney/Pixar film Brave drew coverage from media outlets around the world, including Scottish Television and, which captured a funny photo of Scotland’s First Minster Alex Salmond standing nearly perfectly in front of a backdrop with the princess Merida‘s red hair behind him.

The Daily Mail covered the event with plenty of photos, and even a website dedicated to Scottish food reported on the event, which included tastings of Scottish delicacies and Craig Ferguson presenting the Haggis. The president of Craig’s production company, Rebecca Tucker, sent along a photo of Craig handling those duties.

Here is some video of Craig arriving and posing for photos:

Video courtesy: Maximo TV

It appears that some of the stars of the film were unable to attend the festivities in Los Angeles, including Robbie Coltrane, Billy Connolly and Emma Thompson but they may turn up at the film’s European premiere in Scotland in August.

And here, several of the VIPs at the premiere are interviewed:

Video courtesy: scottishgovernment

Our thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb, @fergufool, @missgraoully and more for help with links and photos!

Dolby Atmos
Monday night’s premiere of Brave at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood was also the debut of Dolby’s new “Atmos” theater sound system. If you want to hear Brave with the latest thing in sound, there are 14 theaters around the country with the new system installed, according to the Dolby website.

Merch on the March
The RSA’s @HMSFox has been visiting Disney World in Florida this week and send along some photos of how Brave is being promoted at the park, including billboards, banners and plenty of Brave gear in the stores.

Favorite Photos
Here are a few of our favorite photos of Craig from the premiere event. Click on any photo to see it full size in a new window.


Behind the Scenes
All this week, we’re featuring a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Brave, which opens in the U.S. and Canada on Friday.

Video courtesy: Trailer Addict

Tonight’s Guests
Tuesday on the Late Late Show, enjoy Craig’s conversations with actor Steve Carell and author Don Winslow.  On Wednesday, actor Morgan Freeman returns, and we’ll hear from musician Ben Dukes.

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