Craig Heads for Chicago
Craig Ferguson appeared Friday night in Atlantic City and is playing the Chicago area Saturday, performing his stand up comedy show at the Horseshoe Casino in nearby Hammond, Indiana, just over the Illinois border.  The Chicago Tribune has a quick preview. Later this month, Craig will appear in Toronto, Montreal and Boston. See the complete list on our Live Comedy Tour page.

Winnie The Pooh Opens Next Week
The new Disney animated feature film Winnie The Pooh opens across the United States and Canada on Friday, July 15th. It features the voices of Jim Cummings (who will be a guest on the Late Late Show next week), Monty Python favorite John Cleese, SpongeBob SquarePants himself Tom Kenny and of course, Craig Ferguson as Owl. The RSA’s @SexyCraigFerg found a great behind the scenes feature about the film. Take a look:

Video courtesy: ClevverMovie

We’ll have more clips from the film in Sunday’s edition.

Tatum Talks Brooklyn
New York Magazine enjoyed Craig and Tatum O”Neal‘s conversation about Brooklyn.

Josh in New Orleans
The voice of Geoff Petersen, Josh Robert Thompson sent Craig a picture on Friday:

@Craigyferg At @GeofftheRobot‘s place in New Orleans. Threw beads, swam naked. You should come by. #RSA

He is also tagging along on a rock and roll tour and tweeting:

Me and my lovely @KerriKasem. Being a gay robot definitely has its benefits. #RSA #SixxSense

All Wrapped Up
Friday, we showed you more about the artistic talents of the RSA’s @doxieone1 and @HoboRobot and today, we have another artist at work. This time it’s the RSA’s @GlitteryGirrll who made a rainbow/pride scarf for Geoff. She’s sending to the Late Late Show in the hope that Geoff might wear it sometime. Looks like a great way to keep his bones warm!


Now in Chicken Flavor
The RSA’s @doxieone1 has prepared the cover art for the newest LLS breakfast cereal.

ComicCon Coming Soon

Southern California roboskellies don’t forget, ComicCon in San Diego is coming up later this month, July 21st-24th. Last year, Geoff Petersen was there… will he be again? The show appears to be sold out, so if you have tickets please let us know.  Among the guests confirmed are Doctor Who favorites Matt Smith and Karen Gillan who will be part of an @Nerdist podcast:

Nerdist Podcast at #SDCC 1st guests announced! MATT SMITH & KAREN GILLAN!! Get tix now: @BBCAMERICA #HolyCrap

Tonight’s Guests
On Friday’s Late Late Show, Craig’s guests are Emmy honoree Larry King and musican Ziggy Marley.

Volunteer Website Writers/Editors Wanted

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Are you an avid fan of Craig Ferguson, the Late Late Show and a regular reader of the RSA News? Are you familiar with posting things online on sites like tumblr, Posterous, LiveJournal, Blogger or WordPress? Do you know at least a little bit of HTML to make the layout of a page look good? Are you interested in the news and sharing what you know with thousands of people every month? We’d like to talk with you.

We’re looking for a few good robot skeletons to help share in the work of writing and posting the RSA News. Since we put the “non” in “nonprofit”, it’s a strictly volunteer position but it’s a great place to show your journalistic skills and spread Craigy goodness around the hollowed out volcano. If you are interested, please send your confidential reply using our contact form. We’ll get in touch and talk more about the details. Thanks!

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