Holiday Greetings
The RSA’s @doxieone1 came up with a great Craig Ferguson and Geoff Peterson Christmas card to celebrate the holidays.

Jingle Balls?

The RSA’s @dj_sassy has a great Christmas tree decoration this year.

Bring Us Some Figgy Pudding
Craig and Pepe the King Prawn entertain us for Christmas:

Video courtesy: fergs4life

Happy Holidays!
To all of our loyal readers, contributors, tipsters and friends, we wish you a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy Kwazaa, Eid mubarak and our greetings for whatever else you may be celebrating.  We are delighted that you choose to spend some time with us each day.  May your holiday season be filled with joy!

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‘Twas the night before Christmas,
when through the volcano
Not a skelly was stirring,
not even in Fresno.
The stockings were hung
by the podium with care,
In hopes that Craig Ferguson
soon would be there.
The hobos were nestled
all snug in their seats,
with visions of chicken
and other free meats.
And Josh in the background
and Geoff in his cap,
Had just settled down
for a long unplugged nap.

When somewhere backstage
there arose such a clatter,
Geoff strained from his outlet
to see what was the matter.
Away to the stage door
he flew like a flash,
He pulled back the curtain
and twirled his mustache.
The lights on the backdrop
were dimmed, even so,
Gave a lustre of purple
to L.A. below.
When what to Geoffs glowing
blue eyes were met,
But a red convertible
pulled by Secretariat!

With a big Scottish driver,
striped socks on his leg,
Geoff knew in a moment
it could only be Craig.
More rapid than beagles
the emails they came,
As he blew his mouth organ
and called them by name.
“Now flamingo, now pelican,
now sparrow, hey cutesy!
On goose, on gosling,
on tit and (tutsi-fruitsi)!
To the top of the basement,
to the top of the set!
Now tweet away, tweet away
and don’t hit the desk!”

As old emails that before
the wild hurricane fly,
When met with Michael’s deadline,
they blow right on by.
So down to the floor
the emails they flew,
with the convertible full of candy
and Craig Ferguson too.
And then in a twinkling,
Geoff heard on the air
The commercials for boner pills
and Sham-wows so fair.
As Geoff drew in his head
and was turning around,
Down the stairs good Craig Ferguson
came with a bound.

He was dressed in a suit,
Bob Barker’s old one,
His hair was a mess
and his tie was undone.
A bundle of candy
he had flung on his back,
and he looked like a sweaty warm-up comedian,
just opening his pack.
His glittery ball, how it twinkled!
His kangaroo balls how merry!
His TARDIS is blue
and he likes his vampires scary!
His tiny little mouth
was drawn up like a bow,
And it seemed he was ready
to put on a show.

He looked at the camera
as if he were Regis,
And rolled his eyes at the the thought
of an overcooked haggis.
He had a broad face
and a round little belly,
That shook when he laughed
like Liza Minnelli.
He was chubby and plump,
like he just came from a party.
And Geoff laughed when he asked,
“Do we have a picture of Paul McCartney?”
A wink of his eye
and a glass-tinging sound,
Soon gave Geoff to know
he was coming around.

Craig spoke nae a word,
but went straight to his work,
Handed out chicken,
then turned with a smirk,
And tapping the camera
with a touch of his hand,
And giving a nod,
out the stage door he ran.
He sprang to his car,
to Secretariat gave a whistle,
And they flew like the down
of a wee Scottish thistle.
But Geoff heard him exclaim
as he blew his harmonica,
“Merry Christmas to you,
it’s a great day for America!”

© 2011, RSANews. All rights reserved.

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