Relaxing in Russia
For the man who truly wants to get away from it all, Craig Ferguson has found a peaceful place in St. Petersburg, Russia.  He’s been tweeting during his short vacation, sending words and pictures back.  Today he tweeted:

Having breakfast at a cafe on Nevskiy Prospekt on a beautiful day in St Petersburg. I’m reading @neilhimself‘s Anansi Boys. #ahthatsbetter // For those of you who requested a visual aid.

What Craig is Reading
The book Craig is reading is Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, who will be on the Late Late Show when Craig returns to Los Angeles.  Craig’s production company recently optioned the film rights to Gaiman’s mystery novels.

On Monday, Craig will be heading to France for a week of tapings of the Late Late Show. The show’s crew is already gathering in Paris. Rather than working from a television studio or even a theater, the show will be taped in various locations around the city. Craig will tweet the location and ask for a “flash mob” crowd to assemble and be the show’s audience for that day. We’ll keep you posted on the locations he tweets.

Craig’s Shark Week
What’s that?  You want to own Craig’s episodes of Shark Week from last summer on the Discovery Channel?  How about this… you can now pre-order your very own copy on DVD or Blu-Ray.  It was the highest-rated Shark Week in Discovery Channel’s history.  Find out why!

Craig Talks About The Odd Couple
On BBC Radio Scotland, Saturday’s episode of Comedy Zone includes a chapter (Chapter 3) with Craig, who was interviewed back in 1994 about his work on stage as Oscar Madison in The Odd Couple.  The interview runs nearly 23 minutes and includes some of Craig’s philosophy of his comedy, prior to becoming the host of the Late Late Show.  As with many BBC Radio programs, the show will only be online for a few days.  Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for spotting the link.

Celebrating the Day
Saturday, June 11th is King Kamehameha I Day in Hawaii and is the birthday of composer Richard Strauss and marine explorer Jacques Cousteau.  Sunday, June 12th is Independence Day in the Philippines, Race Unity Day, Abused Women and Children’s Awareness Day, and the birthdays of former President George H.W. Bush and Anne Frank.

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